Say no to Excel! Say Hello to Database!

2 min readJan 21, 2021

Concept Database, Basic and Intermediate Queries

What is database? Database is a storage of large amounts of data and can be accessed by all users at the same time, usually a standardized and consistent data format, database also fast and easy to manipulate data (add new data, delete, edit and others).

As explained in the picture above that all data can be accessed by authorized parties in the company. The picture above is only a brief explanation. However, many types of database applications are used to store company data.

In the database there are many tables and even these tables are related to one another. Then, how can we retrieve data stored in the database? yups! we use SQL as the standard language to access the database system. Here is a figure about role of SQL in database


If you are a data scientist, data analyst, or even a data engineer, you should know the types of databases based on their usage. Based on its use, the database is divided into two, namely OLTP and OLAP.

An OLTP system captures and maintains transaction data in a database. Each transaction involves individual database records made up of multiple fields or columns. Examples include banking and credit card activity or retail checkout scanning. In OLTP, the emphasis is on fast processing, because OLTP databases are read, written, and updated frequently. If a transaction fails, built-in system logic ensures data integrity.

OLAP applies complex queries to large amounts of historical data, aggregated from OLTP databases and other sources, for data mining, analytics, and business intelligence projects. In OLAP, the emphasis is on response time to these complex queries. Each query involves one or more columns of data aggregated from many rows.

Query…? How…?

Then, what kind of query language is used to access the database?

In the next article we will try to create a basic simulation to intermediate queries using the DB browser for SQlite tools. We’ll also use practice data to query and gain insight from the data. The installation details will be explained in the next article! See you! Happy learning!

